Over the Counter Culture Wiki


Nirvana's album Nevermind was Nirvana's second album and consisted of some of their most well-known songs, including Come as You Are, In Bloom, and Smells like Teen Spirit. This album was released in 1991 around the re-popularization of punk music and helped popularize grunge music. The anger relayed in this album was commonly felt throughout the youth of the time (commonly referred to by some as Generation X).


The songs on this album discuss things such as guns (The lines, "load up on guns", "he likes to shoot his gun", and "I swear that I don't have a gun" are all from different songs on this album.), sadness ("I'm so lonely … and I'm not sad"), fear ("I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid"), and death ("I have died"). These themes are common through out the punk counter culture as many participants were angry with the society around them and wanted to change the way society was. It is believed by some people that these lyrics conveyed lead singer, Kurt Cobain's depression and foreshadowed his eventual suicide.


  1. Smells Like Teen Spirit
  2. In Bloom
  3. Come As You Are
  4. Breed
  5. Lithium
  6. Polly
  7. Territorial Pissings
  8. Drain You
  9. Lounge Act
  10. Stay Away
  11. On A Plain
  12. Something In The Way